Friday, February 9, 2007

So long, Duluth

This time next week I'll be on the other side of the world. Nice!

I guess it would be proper to give Duluth, Georgia a decent good-bye, being the sentimental fool that I am sometimes.

I've lived in Duluth, GA for about 10 years, a freakin' decade. I never considered myself a Georgian (mostly because I cling to my New York roots) but I have to admit that the most important parts of my life - the mid to late teen years and early adulthood- have taken place here. Lessons about life, love and everything else that litters the road to adulthood.

I've been lucky to have had a period in my life in which I was truly happy. No matter what, I'll never have that taken from me, although I strive to surpass it in a new setting. I've been fortunate to say that I've been in love, something some people can't say.
I've made some true friends that I know I'll keep, regardless of distance. Even with the bad- the break-ups and disappointments-I learned something, such as knowing when some people are worth it and when they are not.

Things didn't work out the way I wanted in the end, but I never planned to make Georgia my home anyway. I'm grateful to you, Duluth, for being a good place to live for many years.

On a side note, there are some things/places that I'll remember about Georgia:

-Walmart trips at 1 am
-Waffle House and its horrors
-Midnight soccer in the Blockbuster Video parking lot
-Trying to navigate the roads downtown, especially Midtown and Buckhead. WTF road planning!
-Why do people tell me to "have a good one"? Just say "have a good day"!
-I have NEVER said or will say "y'all"
-Delicious Popeye's chicken sandwiches
-My first AWA I went too...I think that was 2002.

Here's a handy map!

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